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North American Lily Society
73rd Annual International Lily Show & Symposium

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Martagon Lilium

Terry Willoughby

Terry Willoughby grows and hybridizes lilies in central Alberta, near Stony Plain, AB. He is a founding member of the Alberta Regional Lily Society (ARLS). Terry's first love in Lilium are Martagons, and he has an astounding amount bred to date.

Terry is a very particular Lilium breeder, refusing to consider a lily for registration unless it has grown at least 10 years in his garden. Throughout that time, he is sure to distribute it amongst other growers and friends to further the purpose of evaluating it under diverse growing conditions. Many of his hybrids, both registered and unregistered are available at ARLS lily sales depending on availability. He is also a regular contributor to the NALS and RHS seed exchange. He is also a perpetual show winner wherever he enters his stems, whether it is in a local or an international venue. Terry is often called upon to judge the Lily shows or assist in classification.


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73rd Annual International
Lily Show & Symposium!

The mission of the North American Lily Society, is to promote interest in the genus Lilium, scientific research in its breeding and culture; standardization of its varietal names; the dissemination of information concerning the above and promotion of such other purposes as may advance the culture of lilies.

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North American Lily Society